After having spent all day Saturday at the Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Conference, it is dispiriting to see that there are still those who deny it completely. Even more dispiriting to see that the current President of the Czech Republic, and now also President of the EU under the rotating presidency, Vaclav Klaus, is amongst them.
It rather reminds me of a quote which Jeremy Paxman gave in his television programme yesterday about Victorian painters. Recounting a famous debate between the scientist Huxley, who was called 'Darwin's bulldog' and the Bishop of Oxford on the question of evolution, the Bishop asked Huxley: "And are your ape forbears on your mother's side of the family or your father's?" To which Huxley replied: " I would rather be decended from an ape than a bishop!"
There are, of course, still many who do not believe in Darwin's theory of evolution - these are the so called creationists. There are millions of them in the USA. The climate change deniers are the 21st century equivalent of those who opposed evolution theory in the 19th. Thankfully they are becoming extinct and will soon be no more than a footnote in the history books.
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