Below is the statement of the Green Party's Health Spokesperson, Stuart Jeffreys, on the UNISON vote to ban BNP members from nursing. I wholeheartedly support it. I have also stated that as a candidate for the European election in June I will not share a platform with any representative of the BNP.
BNP nurses should be banned from nursing
Police officer are banned from being members of the BNP or promoting the BNP and yesterday UNISON voted unanimously to call for BNP members to be banned from nursing.I find it hard to imagine how a profession that has been built on caring and compassion can be compatible with racism. As a registered nurse myself, I would find it very difficult to understand how an openly racist nurse could provide care to without discrimination.Well done to Unison (which I have recently rejoined after the debacle of the Unite elections), and I hope the NMC take heed of this call.
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