Down at the Vestas demo on Tuesday night outside the Dept of Energy and Climate and a host of various organisations were there including the reps of several trade unions. I spotted some of the UNISON officers from SOAS, who had been campaigning on the migrant workers
occupation etc a few weeks ago. One of them informed me that all of the migrant workers have now been deported - another achievement of Labour's caring, sharing government.
Andy Hewett, Secretary of Green Left, read out a statement of support from Hugo Blanco, the Peruvian activist for indigenous peoples rights and ecosocialist and we also sold copies of the Green Left pamphlet on the economic crisis by Sean Thompson, which seemed apt under the cicrumstances.
Seamus Milne has written an excellent piece in the Guardian on the issue and Ed Milliband's response is one of the lamest I have ever seen from a government minister, even a Labour one. Apparently everything will be ok once the planning laws are changed next April, in the interim the government can do nothing to save Vestas. It is interesting though how the issue has drawn together trade unions and green activists and this is a pointer to some of the campaigns which lie ahead, and where Green Left and the Green Party should be seeking to build the alliance between Green and Red. http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/jul/23/vestas-wind-turbine-plant-closure
Seamus Milne is speaking at a meeting tonight on the Vestas issue, which I am going to go along to. Some pictures from Tuesday's demo above.
Support the Factory OccupationSpeakers: Vestas Worker, Chris Baugh (PCS Ass. Gen. Sec, pc), Seamus Milne, Jonathan NealeFriday 24th July, 6pm, ULU Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY
Called by the Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Group"
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