Friday 1 July 2011

London Gay Pride and Green Left AGM

Tomorrow unfortunately I have a clash and am hoping to go to two events which I hold equally seriously. The first is the AGM of Green Left, being held in Brixton, south London. As the Secretary of Green Left and a founder member I fully intend to attend the group's fifth anniversary AGM. I will be presenting my report as Secretary and as one of the two international officers about the last busy year. I will also be taking the minutes of the AGM. Over the last year, apart from doing the Secretary's mundane task, I have also represented GL on the Steering Committee of the Coalition of Resistance and also have built a number of international contacts, as well as putting several motions to the Green Party conference, including some this coming autumn.

However, I have decided in the light of some differences of opinion within the group and also because I just need to ration my time and energy more, not to stand for election to the committee this year. I will remain an active supporter but will not take on any portfolio. I also think that as someone who has been centrally involved over the last five years that it is time for new young people to come forward and steer the organisation for the coming year. Green Left is still a small group within the Green Party, but remains my inspiration as far as being in the party is concerned. I also noticed that at the Green Party conference in February, one of the Lib Dem guests who was critical of the alliance with the Tories, when asked how the Orange Bookers had taken over the party, replied that the party had been insufficiently "factionalised". I think this very true and Green Left continues to fulfill the role of being a radical voice in the party and long may it do so. It also has built links with other Left groups, particularly in COR, Stop the War Coalition and elsewhere. I wish Green Left success in the year ahead.

I will be leaving the AGM early to go to London Pride, which for me as a gay man is an essential part of the calendar. At a time when LGBT people are being persecuted across the world it is vital that we in London celebrate our diversity and continue to fight for genuine equality. I will also be hoping to have a good old day out and kick up my heels. Hopefully the weather will be fine. It is a real pity that the Green Party could not get its act together to have a stall or a presence at this year's Pride, and I blame those out gay elected politicians in the party who need to seriously pull their finger out. The LGBT community is an important segement of the Green vote.

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