Friday 30 October 2009

No to Hate Crime Vigil in Trafalgar Square Tonight

NEWS FROM LGBTGreens In the GREEN PARTY of England and Wales

Remember Ian Baynham and all victims of LGBT hate crimes LGBTGreens: Now is the time to stand up to the Bigots together!

Phelim Mac Cafferty, National Spokesperson for LGBT Greens: “Talk of an era of acceptance must surely be open to challenge. Sadly there is overwhelming proof once again that deep-rooted homo, bi and trans phobia is alive and on our streets. In the last month alone, Londoner Ian Baynham and Brightonian Andrea Waddell have both been murdered while Liverpudlian James Parkes has been hospitalised- all of them for either their sexuality or gender identity. “Now is the time to make an urgent stance. When stats from police authorities show increases in violent crimes on our communities, we need to unite to show the maximum opposition to those who attack us. We call on everyone to get to Trafalgar Square at 8PM tomorrow evening (Friday) to stand firm against hatred.[1] To those who can’t make it, please note the 2 minute silence at 9PM in memory of those who have died.”

Jean Lambert MEP, London’s Green MEP said: “The Met reported a significant increase in homophobic crime across London this year, even though it is estimated that three quarters of homophobic hate crimes still go unreported. Two thirds of those who did report incidents found they were not referred to advice or support services. It is essential to support victims of crime and change our culture so that everyone can feel safe on the streets.”

Phelim Mac Cafferty continued: “While leading Police sources rightly talk of an increase in reporting as an indication of engagement with the LGBT community, the latest violent hate crimes[2] speak of a renewed hatred, which has been sparked in part by the prominence of the violent, fascist BNP.” “The savage murder of Ian Baynham in Trafalgar Square- a glance away from Soho- at only 10:30pm is a sad indication of how emboldened homophobes have become in the last period.[3] What unites the attacks on Ian Baynham and James Parkes, sadly, is the young age of their attackers.”

Chair of the London Assembly, Darren Johnson stated: "Homophobic bullying is still rife and far too many schools have failed to put clear policies in place to confront it. If we want to eliminate gay hate crimes we must begin that work in our schools."

Phelim Mac Cafferty concluded: “We achieved assurances from the Home Office in 2007 that Criminal Justice legislation would now come down heavily on those who perpetrate hate crimes against lgb people. Now LGBT Greens will push for: (1) target incitement of hatred on the grounds of gender identity through re-writing the law. We believe that often some of the worst discrimination and violence is felt by trans people; (2) lobby for sufficient investment (with the police and other crime-prevention agencies) in specific research into the prevalence of hate crime and perceptions of safety within the LGBT community so that hate crime trends reduce;(3) harmonise hate crimes legislation so that homophobic and transphobic crimes are dealt with on a par with racist crimes;(4) outlaw the performance, sale, promotion and broadcasting of music and other arts which incite hatred and violence towards lgbt people. (5) police forces throughout the country which have yet to adopt and implement action plans on homophobic and transphobic hate crimes to be compelled to do so in the next 6 months.”

ENDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[2] Met Police annual increase +16% to April 2009; Greater Manchester Police report +63% increase

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