Friday 30 July 2010

Joe Glenton speaks out

No posts for the last two days as I have been at work and also went on Wednesday night to the Green Party Trade Union Group meeting where we had a new activist along who is the Chair of the Muslim Police Association and a PCS member. We discussed our involvement in the anti-cuts campaign and also the Trade Union Group's fringe meeting and stall at the Green Party autumn conference in September in Birmingham.

On Monday night I went to Conway Hall for an inspirational meeting with Joe Glenton, the solidier jailed for refusing to fight in Afghanistan, who deservedly received two standing ovations. As Mark Steel, who was also speaking at the Stop the War event commented; "If an ordinary soldier speaks out against the war he is imprisoned, yet generals appear all the time on television supporting the war." Joe spoke of his feelings and his thanks for the support of the anti-war movement. His speech to the meeting is below. He is a latter day hero and it was truly apt that he referred to the medal given to his grandfather for fighting at the Somme.

Caroline Lucas who was voting in the Education Bill in the Commons and unable to attend, sent a message of support which was read out from the platform. Joe will be touring the country speaking to various Stop the War groups etc and will be taking a prominent part in the
Afghanistan - Time to Go National Demonstration in Central London on November 20th

Many Green Party activists were present and we had a stall at the event. Thanks to National Campaigns Coordinator, Andy Hewett, for printing our Afghanistan leaflet and to others from the Campaigns Committee who were helping on the night. A truly inspirational meeting which is sometimes necessary to lift the political spirit.

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