Monday 22 November 2010

The political situation in Ireland reaches fever pitch

Latest news from Dublin tonight is that the Taoiseach (PM) Brian Cowen has acceeded to the demands of the Green Party, only issued today, that a general election be called in late January following the passing of Ireland's 4th, and most brutal, hairshirt budget next month. The Greens, who have supported this government for three years, have finally found their voice, but are still prepared to vote for a budget which includes measures like reducing the minimum wage.

But hang on, surely the proper way to do things is to hold a general election, and then have a government which has a democratic mandate, pass any budget? No, Cowen and Fianna Fail want to hang on to the bitter end, and bitter it will be judging by the latest opinion polls, where Fianna Fail are on 17%, a record low for the historically largest party. However, there are indications that the election will be sooner than January and I suspect that the government may not last beyond this week. Already there are indications that both the two Independents and some Fianna Fail backbenchers have no confidence in Cowen and will not support the budget. Ironic that the Greens will support the budget then. But the Greens are so deeply implicated in many of the worst decisions of the last few years that I feel their fate is sealed. No amount of spinning will save them now. The Irish people are angry and there will soon be a lot of trouble. Some indications of it are already apparent. And another question is how large will be the bill be

This government has been one of the worst in Irish history and that is saying something. I expect that in future historians will compare them with the 18th century placemen and corrupt office holders who voted the Irish parliament out of existence in 1800.

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