Sunday 31 May 2009

I back the 'Every Vote Counts' campaign


Green Party of England & Wales backs 'Every Vote Counts!' campaign

The Green Party's Disability Spokesperson Alan Wheatley has signed up to support the 'Every Vote Counts!' campaign promoted by charity United Response.

[1] The campaign aims to help people with learning disabilities read political information and making informed choices. And the Green Party has a lot to offer disabled people! "The Green Party believes in adapting society to help improve the lives of all disabled citizens."

[2]United Response service-user Lizzie Emeh says, "Even people without disabilities find it hard to understand politics."

[3] An example of that is when charities talk of "all three political parties" as if the Green Party does not exist and has done nothing worth while!

[4] Meanwhile, the Government favours the wealthy over people with learning disabilities — who are less likely to vote in general elections.

[5] So called 'efficiency savings' by the UK Parliament leave fewer jobs for disabled people to do, and services that are worse for them. The London Mayor's office is cutting its Equalities staff, and the Equalities & Human Rights Commission does not have the money to help fight injustices.

Joseph Healy, European Parliamentary Candidate for London stated: "It is vital that disabled people are fully involved in the democratic process and are in a position to exercise their democratic rights. I fully support this campaign both as a candidate, and a disabled person myself, and will do all I can to ensure that all barriers to democratic participation and citizenship are removed from disabled people."

Two Green Party UK MEPs and over a hundred Green Party councillors have already made advances in the rights of everyone in society. And more Green Party MEPs and councillors after polling day on June 4th 2009 can do so much more! ENDSNOTES[1][2]

[4] Charity 'Every Disabled Child Matters' recently stated in an e-newsletter to supporters, "We want to make sure disabled children’s issues are a key priority for all three political parties in the run up to the next general election." Following an objection from Green Party member Karen Varga who has a disabled daughter, EDCM's Campaign's Officer apologised and amended the sentence so as to ".... for all major political parties."

[5] Only 16% of people with learning disabilities voted in the last general election compared with 61% of the population at large.

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