Monday 11 May 2009

Stop the BNP

Important message from Hope Not Hate about stopping the BNP below. They will be making a determined stand to win a European Parliamentary seat in London. We need a good turnout to prevent that happening.

The BNP are officially launching their manifesto today - it's got very serious, very quickly. As a response, I need you to watch this video and then pass it on to all of your friends - getting them to sign up to our campaign as well.

Watch the videoWe need to focus on the fact that the BNP can only win if turnout is low. That's why we've made this video - it uses quotes from Nick Griffin to highlight the real danger that the BNP pose. And then it gives people the chance to stop the BNP - by joining our campaign.Please watch the video and then share it with all of your friends:

The BNP pretend to have changed. But they're the same old Nazi-loving racists that we've fought - and beaten - before. To win this time we need to mobilise the thousands and thousands of people who support us and are willing to contribute to our campaign - so watch the video, share it with your friends and then get them to sign up for HOPE not hate.

We need to use this moment to push our campaign forward. But we need your help now as well - please pass this video on to at least 20 of your friends. In the next few weeks we'll all need to redouble our efforts. But this is a campaign we can and will win.

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